Art to spread awareness to Mast Cell Disorders. Do you have MCAS symptoms?
Art to spread awareness to Mast Cell Disorders. Do you have MCAS symptoms?Art to spread awareness to Mast Cell Disorders. Do you have MCAS symptoms?Art to spread awareness to Mast Cell Disorders. Do you have MCAS symptoms?
This Website is dedicated to bringing joy through Art and Hope who suffer with symptoms of MCAD (MCAS/Mastosytosis)
Mast cell disease refers to a group of disorders caused by abnormal accumulation or activation of mast cells, which are a type of white blood cell involved in allergic reactions and immune responses. There are two main types of mast cell diseases: systemic mastocytosis and mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).
Systemic Mastocytosis
In systemic mastocytosis, there is an excessive buildup of mast cells in various organs such as the skin, bone marrow, liver, spleen, and gastrointestinal tract. This can lead to symptoms like flushing, itching, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, anemia, bone pain, and enlarged liver or spleen. Severe cases can cause organ damage and anaphylactic reactions.
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)
MCAS, on the other hand, occurs when mast cells release too many chemicals (mediators) inappropriately, causing symptoms similar to allergic reactions. These symptoms can include swelling, hives, diarrhea, vomiting, flushing, and itching. Unlike typical allergies, MCAS symptoms can occur without a clear trigger and can affect multiple body systems simultaneously.
Both conditions can be challenging to diagnose and manage, often requiring a combination of medications and lifestyle adjustments to control symptoms.
Are you suffering with mast cell activation Disorders?
vitamin K2 deficiency (due to elimination of ferments and cheese)
Vitamin B deficiency (if organ meats not consumed)
increased age of food can increase content, so food leftovers beyond 24 hours are discouraged
The amino acid histidine can convert to histamine-be careful of amino acid supplements that contain histidine
withdrawal symptoms can be moderate to severe
challenging to eat outside the home
can cause a fear of food element
Resource Credit to Functional Nutrition Alliance
How Mast Cell Activation can affect you, organ by organ...
Ophthalmologic/ Otologic
Ophthalmologic/ Otologic
Common dermatologic symptoms of MCAS include rashes and lesions of many sorts (e.g., migratory and waxing/waning patches of redness, acne-like folliculitis), itching, flushing (sometimes migratory), swelling (often migratory), pregnancy-like purplish lines/bands (“striae”) about the abdomen, flanks, armpits and/or hips, redness in the track of a scratch (“dermatographism”), poor healing, and nail issues (e.g., brittleness, longitudinal ridging, “white spots” (dyshydrotic eczema); ingrown nails, too, are seen sometimes).
Ophthalmologic/ Otologic
Ophthalmologic/ Otologic
Ophthalmologic/ Otologic
Ophthalmologic: Common eye symptoms include irritation and inflammation of the eyes (often described as feeling “sandy,” “gritty,” “dry,” and usually without any clear infection to account for it), usually fairly brief episodes of difficulty focusing vision, eyelid tremors/tics (“blepharospasm”), and unusual sensitivity to either bright lights or lights of certain colors.
Otologic: Common ear symptoms include ringing in the ears and irritation and inflammation in the ears. Less common are a sense of chronic fluid build-up in the ears, hearing loss (one-sided or two-sided), or uncomfortable heightened hearing sensitivity.
Ophthalmologic/ Otologic
Hematologic: Common hematologic and clotting system issues include modest abnormalities in blood counts, easy bruising, and easy bleeding (for example, excessive menstrual bleeding or easy nosebleeds). Excessive blood clotting is a good bit less common than easy bruising/bleeding.
Immunologic: Common immunologic issues include prolific and/or unusual sensitivities/reactivities/allergies, impaired healing, an unusual extent of autoimmune diseases, increased susceptibility to infection, and difficulty recovering from infection.
Common oral and nasal symptoms include ulcers and pain (sometimes described as “burning”), white patches about the tongue or other surfaces, swelling of the tongue or other surfaces, sensitivity and/or deterioration of the teeth and/or gums despite reasonably good attention to dental and gum hygiene, alterations in the sense of taste, throat irritation/soreness/inflammation and/or hoarseness (without any infection clearly being present to account for it), difficulty swallowing, congestion of the sinuses and nose, sores up inside the nose, and nasal and post-nasal drip.
Lymphatic: Common symptoms of the lymphatic system include a diffusely migratory, waxing/waning enlargement and/or irritation/inflammation of the lymph nodes, typically about the neck and in either armpit and to either side of the groin, but possibly in other areas, too (including in the spleen, the body’s largest lymph node, which often is felt as a left upper quadrant abdominal discomfort).
Cardiovascular: Common cardiovascular symptoms and findings include palpitations, lightheadedness, unexplained/unexpected hypertension and/or hypotension, palpitations, chest discomfort or pain (usually non-anginal in character), vascular malformations such as aneurysms or hemorrhoids or hemangiomas or telangiectasias).
Common respiratory tract symptoms include painful discomfort at any level of the respiratory tract, bronchitis, cough, shortness of breath (often modest and inconstant; “from time to time, I just suddenly can’t catch a deep breath” is the most common phrasing MCAS patients use to describe their shortness of breath). Frank wheezing is not seen all that often, and when it’s present during the episodes of shortness of breath, it’s usually fairly subtle. Obstructive sleep apnea can happen, too, even in patients who are not morbidly obese.
Extreme unexplained fatigue, weakness, weight loss, sweats, chills, general feeling of ickiness (malaise), severe whole-body allergic reactions (anaphylaxis).
Gastrointestinal/ Urinary/ Genital Tract
Gastrointestinal/ Urinary/ Genital Tract
Gastrointestinal/ Urinary/ Genital Tract
Common gastrointestinal symptoms include pain/inflammation (often migratory) in one or more segments of the GI tract, gastroesophageal reflux, abdominal discomfort/pain, abdominal bloating (usually shortly following meals), unexplained/unexpected fluctuations in appetite and/or weight, queasiness, nausea (vomiting is relatively uncommon), and diarrhea (or “soft stools”) and/or constipation (often alternating). Blood in the stool can happen but is pretty uncommon.
Urinary: Common urinary symptoms include unusual frequency of urination, difficulty initiating urination, inability to fully empty the bladder, and painful urination (as if a urinary tract infection is present, except that testing can’t find clear evidence of infection). Flank or abdominal pain from kidney stones can happen but is not all that common. Blood in the urine can happen but is pretty uncommon. Genital Tract: Other than decreased libido and erectile dysfunction and possible fertility issues, genital tract symptoms are uncommon in men but may include inflammation of the prostate or other parts of the genital tract. In women with MCAS, genital tract symptoms are common and include an inflamed and/or itchy vulva and/or vagina (often mistakenly attributed to, and treated as, bacterial or yeast infections even though no evidence of infection can be found), inappropriate/dysfunctional uterine/menstrual bleeding, and painful intercourse. Endometriosis seems somewhat common, too.
Endocrinology/Muscular/ Skeletal/Joint
Gastrointestinal/ Urinary/ Genital Tract
Gastrointestinal/ Urinary/ Genital Tract
Endocrinology: Common endocrinologic/metabolic issues include delayed or premature puberty, excessively painful and/or irregular periods, excessive menstrual bleeding, weak bones, thyroid abnormalities, high cholesterol or triglycerides, high glucose levels (usually diagnosed as diabetes mellitus) or low glucose levels (sometimes rapid alternation among normal and low and/or high levels), and selective abnormalities in absorbing or transporting or using certain important minerals and vitamins (e.g., iron).
Muscular: Common muscular symptoms include migratory pain and weakness.
Skeletal: Common skeletal symptoms include migratory pain. Fractures are uncommon but can happen from loss of skeletal strength, and these include vertebral fractures which can lead to loss of height.
Joint: Common joint symptoms include migratory pain; migratory swelling and even redness, too, can happen, but usually are not as prominent as pain.
Gastrointestinal/ Urinary/ Genital Tract
Mast Cell Activation Disorders
Neurologic: Common neurologic symptoms include headache (including migraines), episodic lightheadedness/dizziness/vertigo (which can happen either when getting up or even when lying down or sitting or after already been up for a while) (total loss of consciousness can happen but is much less common than lightheadedness), tingling/numbness (most commonly in the hands and feet but potentially anywhere), weakness, tics/tremors, and a wide variety of sleep disruptions (most commonly insomnia and frequent waking and non-restorative sleep but also excessive sleep, sleepwalking or sleep talking, sleep paralysis, or night terrors).
Psychiatric: Common psychiatric symptoms include anxiety (sometimes even to the point of panic), depression, mood lability, anger, attention deficit, and a wide variety of aspects of cognitive dysfunction, most commonly issues with memory, word-finding and concentration. “Disassociation” or “depersonalization” is occasionally seen. Frankly psychotic behaviors (e.g., auditory or visual hallucinations) are fairly uncommon.
Mast Cell Activation Disorders
Auto immune Diseases linked to MCAS
Mast Cell Activation Disorders
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome causes chronic multisystem inflammation ± allergic-type phenomena ± abnormalities in growth/development in potentially any tissue(s), so any patient who “fits the profile” and hasn’t been identified, with appropriate work-up of the various individual problems, to have any other disease which better accounts for the patient’s full range of problems is a reasonable candidate to be evaluated for MCAS.
Flushing, itching, or hives
Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting
Anemia or bleeding disorders
Bone and muscle pain
Enlarged liver, spleen, or lymph nodes
Depression, mood changes, or problems concentrating
Anaphylaxis, characterized by flushing, fainting, gastrointestinal symptoms, low blood pressure, and fast heart rate
Black beans, Kidney beans, Pinto beans, Navy beans, Green beans, Yellow beans, White beans, Edamame, and Soybeans (fresh).
Canned beans may contain higher histamine levels.
Fresh, sprouted beans tend to be lower in histamine.
People with histamine intolerance should consult with a healthcare professional for personalized dietary recommen
Black beans, Kidney beans, Pinto beans, Navy beans, Green beans, Yellow beans, White beans, Edamame, and Soybeans (fresh).
Canned beans may contain higher histamine levels.
Fresh, sprouted beans tend to be lower in histamine.
People with histamine intolerance should consult with a healthcare professional for personalized dietary recommendations.
When looking for low histamine cheese, opt for fresh, soft cheeses like mozzarella, ricotta, cottage cheese, cream cheese, mascarpone, and young goudaas they generally contain lower levels of histamine compared to aged cheeses; always prioritize minimally processed options with no added additives.
Key points about low histamine cheese:
Freshness is key: The less aged the cheese, the lower the histamine content.
Soft cheeses preferred: Soft cheeses like mozzarella, ricotta, and cream cheese are generally considered lower histamine than hard cheeses.
Avoid aged cheeses: Aged cheeses like cheddar, parmesan, and blue cheese tend to be high in histamine.
Check for additives: Be mindful of cheeses with added preservatives or stabilizers.
Pasteurized milk is better: Cheese made from pasteurized milk may be considered lower risk.
Low Histamine Herbs and Spices
Bay Leaves.
Curcumin Powder.
NUTSNuts generally contain low levels of histamine, but some may trigger histamine release in individuals with histamine intolerance. Here are some nuts that are typically considered low in histamine:
Almonds, Brazil nuts, Cashews, Coconut, Hazelnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pecans, Pistachios, Sesame seeds, and Sunflower seeds.
It's important to note that individual sensitivities can vary, so it's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to determine which nuts are appropriate for a low-histamine diet.
When looking for a natural sugar that is considered low histamine, options include maple syrup, stevia, and raw honey (in moderation for some individuals) as they are generally considered safe on a low histamine diet.
Key points to remember:
Maple syrup: Widely accepted as a low histamine sweetener.
Stevia: A natural plant-based sweetener with no histamine concerns.
Raw honey: While generally low histamine, some people might experience sensitivity and should consume it cautiously.
DAO (diamine oxidase) is considered beneficial for MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome) because it is an enzyme that actively breaks down histamine in the body, which is a key chemical released by mast cells, meaning a sufficient level of DAO can help manage high h
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12
Omega-2 fatty acids
DAO (diamine oxidase) is considered beneficial for MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome) because it is an enzyme that actively breaks down histamine in the body, which is a key chemical released by mast cells, meaning a sufficient level of DAO can help manage high histamine levels that often contribute to MCAS symptoms like flushing, headaches, digestive issues, and skin reactions.
Key points about DAO and MCAS:
Histamine breakdown:The primary function of DAO is to degrade histamine, preventing its accumulation in the body which can trigger MCAS symptoms if levels are too high.
DAO deficiency:Many people with MCAS experience low DAO activity, which can exacerbate their symptoms by impairing histamine metabolism.
Supplementation benefit:Taking DAO supplements can potentially help manage histamine levels by providing additional enzyme activity to break down histamine from food.
Gastrointestinal impact:DAO is primarily found in the gut, so its deficiency can lead to significant digestive issues often associated with MCAS.
Enhancing DAO Function
fresh meat and fish.
most fresh vegetables — except spinach, tomatoes, avocado, and eggplant.
most fresh fruit — except citrus and some berries.
oils like coconut and olive oil.
grains, including rice, quinoa, corn, teff, and millet.
(Before adding a new supplement, please be sure to consult your Physician)
Discover Joy through art and hope in healing with nutrition
Our Mission
So many people may suffer from MCAD (Mastocytosis/MCAS) since their Covid infection, and not even know what is triggering their "Long Covid" symptoms. Covid triggered my MCAD, and knowing what was happening to my body and what my triggers were, was the key to my healing.
This is why I am dedicating my Art to spread awareness to MCAD. To give support to those who are searching for answers. Who have exhausted all avenues of finding answers and who have not found relief through Modern Medicine.
If you have ever had Covid, you could be suffering from MCAD.
Our Mission is to give you the resources and guidance you need to find answers for your health concerns.
To give you confidence when discussing your health concerns with your doctor.
Mission for donations
There are so many people suffering from the effects of this disease and have exhausted all finances to find answers or a diagnosis. Most people are just told they are suffering from "Long Covid" and there is nothing they can do. People are unable to work or do day to day functions and do not have the support they need because nobody truly understands.
My mission is to be your support!
My mission is to raise funds to assist with any financial support that is needed for further testing that may need to be done for a MCAD diagnosis. My mission is to supply care packages of products that could benefit you if you suffer from MCAD symptoms. I would like to support you any way I can, taking your first step on your journey to Healing.
Art and future fundraising events
My Art and art classes are for a minimum donation only. Future fundraising events will be held to share art in the community and using Art as a catalyst to spread awareness to MCAD and how it can be linked to Covid.
Volunteer Opportunities
If you are an artist and would like to donate your Art for spreading awareness to MCAD, please reach out and we can feature it on our website. If you have suffered with MCAD and would like to share your journey and how it can help others, please reach out and I will share it on my blog. If you are interested in Art or just want to learn more about MCAD and support our cause, look for our future event Calendar, as it will become available, as soon as we can make that possible.
Supporting you to the Fullest
I am currently enrolled in FNX, working toward to becoming a Certified Registered Full Body Functional Nutrition Coach. This will enable me to provide services for many health struggles, using Nutrition as your medicine. Functional Nutrition Alliance | Online Training Courses | FxNA
Working toward future appointments as a Full Body Functional Nutrition Coach.
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